"That's the most significant issue at the center of most marriages: not how to be together, but how to be together while being separate people." Ugh you hit it on the head. How to continue on as (constantly evolving) individuals bound together - so much work is involved. Excited to read more!

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Gah this is so good. I cannot wait to read more.

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Standing Ovation and round of applause!

Can’t wait to read more!!!!!

Congratulations for writing what YOU WANT to write about!!!!

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The rule to all disagreements should be to have a snack and nap first. That alone will fix most problems. The don’t go to bed angry advice has always made me so mad, tell everyone of it’s stupidity.

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I could not agree more. This advice can only have come from someone who somehow made it to marriageable age and yet has enough energy to stay up late to ... argue? Who is this person?

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YES! Snacks, sleep, and maybe a shower. Full body reset.

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Chef’s kiss.

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